Remember when I talked about the Uptight Woman in Cube Next to Me (UWICNTM) and her special requests for her own printer? Well, lest you think the problem is over, The Adorable Office Manager (AOM) has lived to fight another day.
Backstory: UWICNTM has a “team” of 2 women that she supervises. I say "team" because we are an office of 9 people and no one else has a “team.” It is my theory that incompetence is the reason UWICNTM needs a team. Anyhow, the most essential thing to know about the "team" is that the "team” is the most important and busiest "team" there has ever, ever been in this office.
Now, in Printer War version 1.0, as you might recall, UWICNTM was bitching (with the correct vocab, natch) about walking 3 feet to get to a printer because the main one was moved ON THE OTHER SIDE OF HER CUBE WALL. (For a recap, see this entry.)
The latest is that our crazy boss was fired (she of the "No Funbags Allowed" club), and her office is now vacant. Our Fearless Development Director (FDD) is now the interim Executive Director, and is going to move into Crazy Boss's office - the only office we have. Another employee is now working in our office in LA, so we have 2 spare desks. So, AOM is reorganizing our 20 x 20 space so that we have a real reception area, and those who work closest together are near each other. (Bonus is that UWICNTM will no longer be NEXT TO ME.)
UWICNTM actually suggested that she move to a desk in the corner, and then AOM decided to move one of the women on UWICNTM's “team” to be next to her in her new spot and thus create a reception area at the front of the office. Here is the exchange that happened this morning:
From: Adorable Office Manager
Sent: Monday, October 20, 2008 4:13 PM
Subject: Desk Moving Day
Hi Everyone,
We are going to be doing some desk rearranging soon and I would like to schedule a day when we can move everyone so that I can coordinate the move with the IT guy and the phone company. My suggestion is that we take care of this while Uptight Woman and Team Member 1 are at the "Big" Event planned by Uptight Woman in November, so the move is the least disruptive to everyone. However, this will require some packing up by Uptight Woman and Team Member 1 before they leave for Danville, but if they are able to pack up ahead of time I am happy to physically move them into their new work stations while they are away. Let me know if this is agreeable to everyone so we can schedule the move asap.
Thank you,
Adorable Office Manager
From: Uptight Woman
Sent: Monday, October 20, 2008 5:17 PM
To: Adorable Office Manager
Subject: RE: Desk Moving Day
Where is Team Member 1 moving? I thought it was just me moving to a new spot? I honestly don’t think I have the time to pack up my stuff in between the "Big" Events. I was hoping to do the move after the "Big" Events are over and I can dedicate at least half a day to sorting through all my files to get rid of stuff I don’t need. This will be necessary since I am moving to a smaller space. Also, Can we please get a printer on the other side of the office. Now that I am going to be over there, I would appreciate not having to walk across the office every time I print something.
Uptight Woman
Mind you, there is a whole group of people currently sitting the whole 15 feet away from the printer, but they have never said anything.
I. Couldn't. Love. This. More.
Well now you don't have to worry about your boss reading the blog... or looking at your boobs!
...They've moved my desk four times already this year, and I used to be over by the window, and I could see the squirrels, and they were married, but then, they switched from the Swingline to the Boston stapler, but I kept my Swingline stapler because it didn't bind up as much, and I kept the staples for the Swingline stapler and it's not okay because if they take my stapler then I'll set the building on fire...
Am I watching an episode of "OfficeSpace...the Sitcom?" Insanity!!
just as I finished writing this comment - I read Jill's comment - we are so on the same page, girl.
Like manna from heaven - is how joyous the return of your blogging is to me
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