Why I've never been set-up by my friends. Is it because I'm not on the Jew Network? I'd give anything for a bubbe. Or wait. That's not the right word. Yenta. (Side note: I was on JDate for a month. Turns out that saying "My grandmother has been doing a genealogy project and thinks we might be Jewish" isn't legit enough. Also, writing emails to men saying, "Wow, a Jewish doctor. Will I have my eyes scratched out by actual Jewish girls if we go on a date?" didn't seem to work.)
I'm curious, friends. Do tell. Is it that it's really difficult to match me? Or it's too much trouble? Messy? Is it...the goiter?
People complain about this set-up business and I felt left out. I love new things to bitch about.
A Pretty Good Year
9 years ago
I'm not sure. I think it's because you always know everybody before anyone else does.
Difficult to match ANYBODY! You know it's my dream to be a matchmaker. I keep my eyes peeled, but many of the eligibly-aged men I see are also homeless and in the hospital for one reason or another :)
The Jews are God's "Chosen People". You are not. Simple and clear? He did not "choose you" for getting sex off his website (you know God did make Jdate.com himself right?). Try OkCupid.com Claude met a gentile on there. Its a decent site for God's rejects.... aka everyone else.
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